Request An Appearance

The Azalea Trail Maids are available to attend local appearances, from ribbon cuttings and social functions to charity events and school programs. Appearance can be made in the Azalea Trail Maid dress attire or in their philanthropy uniform, for hands on participation. The court does attend select state and national appearances upon request. To request an appearance, please fill out the form on this page, and we will get back to you with availability.

All appearance requests must be completed at least two weeks before the date of the requested appearance. Requests received less than two weeks prior to your event will be denied. Additionally, forms with incomplete information such as times, dates, or parking instructions will automatically be denied.

Appearance Request Requirements:

Please include AM or PM, events must begin after 6AM and end before 9PM.

Designated parking is required for all appearances. If the Trail Maids are to use a public parking lot, please provide the location of the lot, and understand that you are responsible for paying the cost of their parking and/or any boot fees.

Event Contact Person (Must be present on the day of the event and a cell phone number is required.)

Specific requests: Please let us know if you are requesting the specific trail maid(s) or their group of 5.

Special Instructions (Location Information, etc.)

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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